Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

Rescue me!


Remember that song? If you lived in the sixties and seventies, you probably do. I was reminded as I spent a week on the other coast with a friend who runs a Golden Retriever rescue, that we are all very similar to those dogs. No matter what the circumstances that brought them to a shelter, they are incredibly optimistic about the future!

Help is on the way! But often we are so busy trying to run circles around ourselves we miss the help when it arrives. We really need to give up trying to fix things, trying to solve every problem that comes within ten feet of us.

The reality is, it is done. All we can do is show up and accept what is and our part in improving it. We can’t do anyone else’s part, and if we do, they don’t get to learn their lessons and are doomed to repeat them. The Big Guy upstairs can’t help you if you don’t quit doing everything (and then resenting that you have so much to do). This is a play where you only have one part, so stop changing costumes and making everyone crazy.

The next time you want to sing this song, take a deep breath, let it go and realize….you have already been rescued! Now, wasn’t that easier?

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