A taxing solution!
I am noticing that I will do almost any job I hate (clean garage, clean closets, vacuum and dust) to avoid what is staring at me from my dining room table: my last year’s tax info, waiting to be consolidated into some form my CPA can work with.
I filed an extension, but this is the worst ever. I have paid the taxes, they were deposited quarterly. I don’t even think my obstinance has to do with thinking I will owe more. It is just pure, honest panic and resistance to an obstacle that appears in my life every year.
It occurred to me today that the reason I resist completing this annual task, is because I am always behind and there is no joy in completing it after the fact. I am already eight months behind on the current year, and all facts and figures are blurring in my memory and will continue to do so at this pace.
My solution, (and I will have to report to you later if I succeed in eliminating this annual barrier), is to jump into ’08 with a fervor, even though I am not safely out of ’07! I am using the program on my computer to bring the current year into financial focus. If this makes me feel more competent and relieved, I am sure putting in last year’s figures will follow easily.
This might ressemble eating dessert first, but sometimes one must change things around if they are not working in a consecutive order. Here’s hoping my backdoor plan works!