Real Estate Realisms
I have always loved being in real estate. I guess because it lets me help people find their way home. I get to go on a journey with people to find the place they can center their lives and begin to relax, re-creating the space in their own way to serve themselves and their families. And if they continue to meet the obligation and commitment they signed up for, no one will ever kick them out!
Everyone’s home is their castle, be it a condo near water, a townhouse near their children’s school, a mobile home near family or a cabin out in the woods. It never has to be the biggest or the prettiest or the most expensive, it just has to feel like home, a place where we can be ourselves. Since this is different for every one of us, the journey always takes me on a new and different path. That is why I love it! Houses are as different as people. They come in all shapes and sizes and a myriad of colors. They are old and young and in between. They are sometimes in great shape for their age, and sometimes have acquired a handicap or two. Often they can be updated with some loving care, and sometimes their problems just need the right person with whom they will find love and acceptance.