Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

When You Least Expect It!


“Are you sitting down…?” That was how my Broker greeted me on Saturday morning. Saturday not usually beingĀ  a “bank day” for anything to do with housing sales, the last thing I expected her to say was “They accepted our short sale offer on your house!”

Wow, what is that about doing your best but then turning the outcome over to your higher power? That is exactly what I have been trying to do this past week. Live in the present, not the past or the future. Try not to worry about things that you don’t know the outcome of (like what if the foreclosure pushes me into bankruptcy?). And allow new data (perhaps they will accept the offer) to penetrate your thoughts, more than the negative ones that keep trying to resurface!

The book I finished last week was a Neale Donald Walsh called When Everything Changes, Change Everything! And I must admit, so far I am liking the results of getting “out of my mind!”

I will keep you posted, but I had a contract accepted and found a car I could afford also this weekend, so I am going to keep trying to stay present and await the positive results. This is such a draining experience in so many ways, that it really does open one up to the possibilities of changing the way you look at everything. More on that subject later….

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