Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

As The New Year Awaits Us….


I love the week before New Year’s. It is almost a lost week….Christmas is over, no one knows exactly what they, or anyone else for that matter, are doing. It is a great time to re-group, re-organize, get ready for the next year by tidying up the loose ends of the one you are barely still in.

It isn’t resolutions I begin making, but plans. How to do better at every area of my life. How to put more punch in it! Perhaps by freeing myself from some of the dis-organizational traps I have fallen prey to in the past.

I have found that either or are great for helping with finances and budgeting, and both are free!( Quizzle has the added bonus of giving you your credit score)

I have found a list-making tool called Teux Deux ( really is visual and helpful to me. I haven’t found how to print it out yet, but it doesn’t require me to think much about the to-do’s because I can slide them around so easily…my feeling is, I either do them or I postpone them or they fall off the list because they didn’t matter….I don’t need all the A, B, C ratings, they just boggle my mind!

Anyway, I hope you have found some new things to start your year off in a functional, uncluttered way, so that you can maximize the time for fun! That’s what I am trying to do. Still three more days til New Years!

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