Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

Call If You Need Me


There are people like me who say that all the time. It has occurred to me that perhaps everyone doesn’t say that. There are people who seem to know how to structure their days, taking care of their needs, doing habitual things that keep body and soul in preservation mode.

Then there are others. People who jump at a ringing phone, eager to see if they have an answer for the caller. Is there a need I can meet, can I make your life easier? Do you need me to drop what I am doing to help you in some way?

Having come to realize that I have just passed through the last eight years of my single life by meeting the needs of a four legged friend, basically one bowl of dog food at a time, I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am one of those people. If we have a day where no one calls, we can’t figure out what to do with ourselves. So when we say ‘Call if you need me’….we absolutely mean it! And we will always answer the call.

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