Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

Why Wait For The Other Shoe To Drop?


I believe many of us are in limbo right now, what I call waiting for the other shoe to drop. I am a firm believer in being proactive, but sometimes things are a bit hazy as to which way to go on that path toward yourself. There are always others sharing your path, persons ( in my case right now, a 14 yr old lab named Jet) who are affected by your choices. We are told to do what is right for us, but for a caretaker personality, that is often the most difficult choice to make, even if we can decide what it is.

I know God made us the way we are for a reason, and for those of us who are caretakers, it is usually not a problem to go with the flow. There are times, however, when we really do have to step aside from all the relationships that count on us, and make sure that we are being true to the person we are and staying on the path we are supposed to be on.

That’s when everything feels lined up and in harmony, even if it isn’t easy. We know that we know that we know, as it were. Something deep inside is in alignment. When the car is running right, it can take you where you need to go, even if you aren’t totally sure of the destination just yet. At least you are ready to start packing for the trip!

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