Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

Everyday Is A New Day!


Isn’t it amazing how we actually can start life over every new day if we want? Looking backwards we can’t change a thing, but looking forward…..endless possibilities!

A very close friend and I both picked up a book this week that had to do with doing one new thing a day, to move yourself closer to a goal. Just one thing! Even a tiny one can begin the forward movement and get you unstuck. I have done my one thing, which is to make a list of some goals and begin writing the things that would move me toward them. Picking one small thing off one list each day does not look so overwhelming.

I remember how I used to have to break down chores for the boys to make them less overwhelming, but now I am the overwhelmed one, and the process still works! Onward, just do the easiest or the next important…your choice, the next best thing! Then feel good and congratulate yourself!

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