Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

Whole Hearted!


I am noticing that I have neglected my blog writing for over two weeks now, all due to taking a new full time job and the changes that has made to my daily life. I am again amazed at the people who manage to fit in family and shopping, back-to-school and dinner at home, let alone soccer, gymnastics etc! How I ever raised two boys alone I have yet to figure out, and at this time in my life I would be hard pressed to repeat it, let alone remember!

Anyway, I have confidence that those who are will be given the Grace to accomplish what they need to, as I always have been. Fortunately, His Grace is sufficient, and as I look back, that is all that I see.

Now, with that premise firmly in mind, it is time to tackle the work I have ahead of me. Job aside, I have a book to write and some women, perhaps some men as well, to encourage. I know one thing above and beyond all others. I am here to encourage single parents in their quest to raise their children and provide a safe and comfortable place to call home. Though that seems to have led me in different directions at different times, it is still the heart of my purpose here, and I never cease to feel the stirrings of passion when I see the need to give it voice!

Yesterday I saw a billboard on a local church saying, Single Moms Meeting Sunday 9AM. I was so heartened I screamed out loud “Yes!” How I would have loved to see that sign over the twenty years I was trying to find my way through the maze, within and without the church. Finally, there appears to be some notice of the need.

I also recognize, somewhat less exuberantly, the growing number of single mothers, and how “having a child with a boyfriend” has become such an accepted norm. In renting apartments, I am noticing one out of two families with children have parents who are not married. I am not sure why this is the case, but it does disturb me a bit, since they are obviously together. What has happened to our respect for marriage? Where did the commitment to the importance of that go? I say this having yesterday celebrated the fourth anniversary of my son and my daughter in law. Their wedding was one of the happiest days of my adult life, with all the hopes and promises a life lived together can hold. As their lives unfold, their commitment to be in it together is a celebration for all their friends and family, and our support for whatever they face is unfailing. It would seem a lot less committed if they were just boyfriend and girlfriend, our support almost tentatively offered, at best.

I am grateful to be able to be whole hearted in my love and support of their commitment to each other and to what lies ahead for them. It will never have to be half-hearted, which takes the stuffing out of it. Sometimes we all need that extra helping of stuffing!

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One Comment to

“Whole Hearted!”

  1. Avatar August 31st, 2010 at 10:06 am Jill Dragiff Says:

    Amen to all that! I have tried to put that message out to my adult children, that it will be such a joy to support their committment to another, but without that committment of marriage, it really doesn’t seem possible for them to have the family and community support that can make all the difference in good times and bad. Thanks for articulating this in your blog!

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