Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

Need A Miracle?


I am glad to report that God has one! I am encouraged to be able to say that God is still in the miracle business in the housing market! I was recently referred a client through my dear sister, a friend of hers who needed to purchase a home in a very short amount of time.

Time frame excluded, we still wanted to find the right home in the right neighborhood at the right price, all of which will provide this couple a very happy present and future. Her one request was for a garden, his for not too much yard and house to take care of. Throughout the course of three short afternoons we processed through approximately twenty homes, several who made the final cut, only to find that God snuck one in at the last minute that was perfection for both of them.

That is why I love my real estate….it is the most fascinating journey, especially with other Christians, to see where we are led and how we finally arrive at exactly the home that is their heart’s desire. The more flexible they are, the more God seems to be specific. The more willing they are  to compromise, the more He makes sure its a great deal!

I love that about watching it all unfold. He always knows who the sellers and the buyers are, and what will be a win/win for both of them. His timing is always right on!

If we are patient and willing to redirect our course, His path unfolds as we follow our daily instructions. It is subtle at the time and yet amazingly clear as you look back. I am always fortunate that the people I am meant to work with are always somehow connected to me, usually by people we know in common, but not always. Sometimes it is an internet profile that just speaks to the other person, or some other reason that just makes them call. We usually know on first contact that we are both in the right place and in good hands. It is a journey that never fails to be exciting to me, and I am so grateful for every opportunity that He brings my way. It continues to let me know that it is not a career as much as a calling, because it never seems like a job!

3 Comments to

“Need A Miracle?”

  1. Avatar October 25th, 2010 at 4:01 pm Sherri Robinson Says:

    I miss that life.

  2. Avatar September 27th, 2011 at 12:10 am Marlee Says:

    If your articles are always this hlpfeul, “I’ll be back.”

  3. Avatar September 27th, 2011 at 10:23 am Joan Says:

    Thanks Marlee, I havent written in awhile after making a cross country move and having first grandchild arrive…My friends are urging me to come back and your comment definitely an encouragement! Thanks, I will try to keep them up!

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