Fighting Overwhelm!
Forty-five days and counting. Still haven’t cataloged the furniture to foster care vs. to sell. Spent another day scanning papers that might be needed (or wanted) for review someday….probably only if I write my memoirs, but who knows at this moment?
Another call to Salvation Army who will be by with their weekly truck for pick up. Why does it seem that I am hardly making a dent in everything? Because I have waited 35 years to do this, that’s why!
I am really seeing the value of less is more, in regards to everything. The few things I should have been remembering to do on a daily basis (take vitamins, exercise, eat well) got lost in the volume of stuff that I probably just kept moving from room to room, pile to pile, house to house, all these years. No wonder I felt tired!
It definitely helps to have a goal, but just setting up easier methods in the computer can take an entire day! At the end of the day I just have to appreciate that the piles are lower, the system is there for the future, the appointments are made. It’s something. One more step toward freedom from the clutter that surrounds me! Resist the temptation to toss it all as there has been ‘gold in them thar hills’! (was that from the Beverly Hillbillies?) 🙂
Congrats Joan on your progress! As always so happy to read a new blog from you. Wish you had time to write everyday. I enjoy it so much. I too am trying to keep sorting. Have stalled for a few days though but have used the time to finally tie up ends at one school with graduation so I can start a new chapter at another. That is 20 years of work sorted out. Feels good! Now to finish the work I started in the house so I can move to a new place and start fresh there. I love fresh starts. Keep up the good work but take regular breaks and get away from it to do something you like. It will help you keep perspective give you much needed energy to keep going. Love ya!