Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

A New Calling….?


I have just spent the past two months settling into my new life in California, doing all the things that accompany a big move: opening checking account, getting car registered, finding a church family,  finding a new job, etc., and not necessarily in that order. All in all a terrific way to get my bearings where I now live as well as giving me time to think about where I am at this stage of my life.

I had the very good fortune of attending a women’s retreat with my church this past weekend. There could be no better way of feeling connected in a new place than there was for me in meeting women with whom I already had so much in common. This is a church of truly faith-based believers, and I was overwhelmed by the depth of their sharing and their vulnerabilities. I was even more impressed with the depth and breadth of the heart of our God who met us there!

As I enter a new stage of my almost thirty year journey with Him, I realize the labels I have been wearing have changed. I no longer feel the need to identify myself as a “single parent,”  for instance. That has left the field wide open for God to give me a new assignment and perhaps a new calling. I have passionately defended and supported single parents for over thirty years, and always have and always will empathize with the difficulties they face. My walk with the Lord, however, has shown me that those circumstances are truly no more or less difficult than those  all women face, many with additional challenges involving a husband that can often make things considerably more difficult.

I have processed many things in this walk so far, just trying to stay afloat. Now I see that while there are certainly Selah’s (pauses where we can reflect and take stock of what has been said) in our journeys, there isn’t an end where we get to stay safe and secure and retire. If that happens we can consider ourselves stuck. God always has more in store for us, and my faith tells me that I had better make sure I get growing or He will certainly allow me some uncomfortable circumstances to help convince me to press forward.

So I instead choose to step forward, continually putting myself out where things happen and where God can continue to teach, love and support my growth. While this rest felt very nice for a short time, I recognize the best with God often comes in the hardest trials. So I need to keep risking and keep moving toward the prize, even when I can’t see it and may not even know what it is. It is, like any relationship, a sense of even more intimacy and love than I could ever have imagined, and that continues to expand beyond what I think is possible. Being blown away by His continued healing, loving presence in my life has always been the most incredible gift at the other side of a difficult time.  How exciting to look back at my journey, knowing He will continue to reveal His plan to me and light the way there, as well as continue to walk alongside me! How awesome is that!

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3 Comments to

“A New Calling….?”

  1. Avatar October 8th, 2011 at 8:29 am Sherri Robinson Says:

    Glad to see you writing again. I have missed reading about what is happening in your life. I’m so happy you have found happiness in California. You are always in my heart and thoughts.

    Love you my Friend,

  2. Avatar October 9th, 2011 at 7:34 pm Connie Harrell Says:

    My dear friend Joan I have thought about you so often and wondered where you were. I am so happy to have found this blog page of yours. Congratulations on becoming a Grandmother, there is nothing like it as you now know. A precious gift from God that is another part of you as your children are. My heart is so happy that you have found such a peaceful time and place in your life. You sound so content and I can hear God’s love surrounding you in your words. I sure miss the fun we had. We must get in touch to catch up. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love you my dear friend,


  3. Avatar August 18th, 2012 at 10:26 am Joan Says:

    Thinking of you, Connie, and hoping all is well! I don’t want to lose touch. I was just reading back a few entries to give me courage to take the next step into a challenging new job if that is what God is leading me toward. There is always the safety of a comfortable life, but that never seems where God takes me (for long 🙂
    You came to mind as Bob had me writing a very different kind of resume and it was more about lives that crossed my path at important junctures…..yours is one of them. We are both fortunate to have shown up for that meeting!

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