Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

What Simon Didn’t Say….


Reflecting on the children’s game of Simon Says, it seems as though the Holy Spirit was the one whispering the ‘not Simon‘ directives in my ear. I often seem to have taken the path that no one else heard, as it was likely not meant for them, nor were they nearly as apt to follow it if they had heard. I mean, who does that? Hears voices? And they would probably have been quite angry at themselves for not following the crowd (and thereby also having been put out of the game), by righteously heeding only Simon’s instructions. I guess I took the path less traveled, as it were; the one that was whispered into only my own listening ear. “Go to Ithaca” said The Voice, clearly (although when I repeated these instructions later on the phone to a dear friend he replied “does God lisp”? Funny.)

I was home with a very new baby and a six year old at that time. I had a mortgage on the home I had received as the result of my recent divorce. I was the sole proprietor of an ‘open seven days a week’ gift shop in a sweet suburban town in New Jersey. It was a store I had started from scratch with a friend only seven years prior, which now boasted a handful of terrific, loyal employees. I had great friends and tons of wonderful, supportive customers. I had a vibrant church community. Why would I sell everything and go to a place I had never been, where I knew virtually no one? Remember in those days, forty years ago, there were no “virtual” ways to know people; no Facebook, no next door apps etc. It was either a huge leap of faith, or just plain crazy on my part, come to think about it. Yet it remains one of the clearest commands I can remember hearing in my lifetime. So I sold my house and my store and moved me and my boys upstate to Ithaca, N.Y (actually to the adjacent town), never to look back. And my adventures with God had only just begun.

posted under Christian Faith, Moving

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