Clear Needs No Explanation…Does It?
I have just switched off the TV because everywhere is the same press conference from the White House dealing with the health care bill no one has read but want to vote on quickly so that things get fixed. I heard a quote from a wise person once who said the five worst decisions you made in your life were probably made hastily. Looking back, I can see the truth of that in my own life, perhaps places where a little more time, thought and information may have resulted in not necessarily a different decision, but one that was clearer and more conscious of underlying motives, both my own and others.
The sixth time I heard “I just want to be clear about this, Let me be clear about this…” I realized that if it was that obvious to himself that he wasn’t being clear, then the whole thing was basically worthless. When you hear the truth and it hits you as the truth, isn’t it clear? Doesn’t it resound in a place in your heart that simply receives it and “knows” without further explanation? At least that’s how it is for me. The more I hear someone trying to clear something up, the fuzzier it becomes, and after awhile I don’t hear anything but static and tune out.
Too bad, great opportunity to just tell it like it is, and we could probably hear it, clear as a bell. Perhaps the one who is speaking isn’t really clear about it, so he can’t communicate it with clarity? Take time, get more information, think deeply, then it should come through loud and clear. On issues that affect the rest of our lives we need to be clear, not hasty.