Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

It’s a Message Everywhere I Look


I often find that when something is in the material I am reading, it also starts appearing everywhere I look. I think that is how God affirms a certain direction for me…there is no way I could miss it! This week has been all about changing the thought patterns that have occupied my mind for most of my life. This centers on learning to slow things down and observe with mindfulness the triggers that set off a particular habitual response pattern. By bringing conscious awareness we are able to reprogram our responses.  I have found this fascinating reading.

I have also found similar information popping up as the center of a bible study I had never been to before, and again  as I flipped the channel after the beginning of the press conference to find a 1959 Billy Graham special where he preached the idea of turning our thoughts over to God. It was everywhere this week…heal the mind, heal the heart, change your life.

I have a friend who said her father always says God will never put more on our plates than we can handle. I don’t know about you, but I want to be a member of The Clean Plate Club ( what we called it at our house when we finished everything given us for dinner). I guess the idea of hearing Him say “well done, good and faithful servant” would be the same thing.

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