What does a door say?
The front door is the business card of your residence. It says whether you draw people in by your welcome, or perhaps like to stay hidden behind a front entrance that really says “I don’t care if you come in or not.”
There are doors with so much stuff at the entrance that we aren’t sure if there is room for us to get in, or if we are just supposed to admire their arrangement, as in a museum. Some people go in through their garage and never even notice whether their entrance is inviting or not.
Whenever possible, my choice is a red door. Is has an energy to it, in any shade from burgundy to rust. It glistens like the lipstick on a woman’s mouth and gives your home a smile. It keeps you focused as you approach the driveway, and lingers in your mind as you back out. There is no way you could miss the message “We’re excited to see you….come on in!”