What goes around…..
….comes around, or so they say. How often do we notice how true that is? That we are often rewarded for something we have done, though perhaps not by the one who may have been on the receiving end?
It is obvious to me (because I notice and remark about these things) that often when we experience a loss, there is a similar gain somewhere in our personal world, be it to a child, a parent, or a friend. Often we don’t count those as our gains. However, if that same person had experienced the opposite, we would certainly have felt their pain.
We pray for things but often don’t realize that they have been granted, and that those answers are as much gifts to us as they are to the person in our prayers.
We are all part of the people around us, the ‘family’ in our daily lives. Notice how much the good that comes into their lives benefits your peace of mind, freeing you to keep doing what you need to do, as another problem has been solved. They are all our gifts, no matter who opens them!