Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

Heartbreak Home


It happens. You find a house, you fall in love with it, you start seeing your life attached to it. You proceed through all the steps leading to closing, you’re almost there….and, wham! Something happens. It needs a new roof and the seller won’t or can’t put one on. The money that was coming from a state fund runs out and there goes your ability to purchase it. That’s what happened to my young buyer today.

It’s terribly hard to find the words to make it feel better. I was suddenly aware of similar situations where people are all ready for something that doesn’t happen. The worst I can think of is a miscarriage. Someone is happily going along preparing for a change in their life,  full of anticipation and making room in their heart when suddenly it vanishes, taking all their dreams and plans with it.

The rest of the world may never even know about the ‘almost’ happening. But for those who do, there is heartache to process, grief,  and perhaps anger or a wondering if anyone could have done something different to change the outcome. If someone tells them to just go find another , it sounds really insensitive and  isn’t what they want to hear. So it is with losing a house. You don’t just go replace it. Nor a beloved pet, nor a spouse. You may eventually find another, perhaps even soon, but not without trying to figure out what just happened and how it has affected your life.

There will be another house, but never quite that house. Everything we commit our hearts to brings its own uniqueness into our lives, and leaves its mark forever when it leaves.

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