Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy


I(m) on vacat(ion)…vacat-i-on! Surely that is what we try to do. Leave it all behind, if only for a week. Vacate the life we lead on a daily basis and do something different. Change our paradigm, our behavior, our dress and even the time we wake up and go to sleep. Something to shake us up a bit and get a different perspective, which will allow us to go home and reclaim, perhaps even rearrange a bit, the dailiness of our life.

I am currently on the West Coast, having left my Florida home for ten days. What seems hot to residents here seems cool to me (without humidity), so I bring a bit of a new perspective to the friends I am visiting here as well. We all need to change places once in awhile. I used to think the pastor of a church I once attended would really wake people up if he came in and announced that everyone sitting in the left pews must change seats with everyone on the right.

Some of those folks had been sitting in those seats half their lives! They could have had nameplates on them. No one else would dare sit in them. In church, mind you. This is how comfortable we can get…we miss the whole point. Take a different seat on the other side of a room next time and see what your vision records that you might have been missing. Pretty cheap vacation!

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  1. Avatar June 13th, 2009 at 8:10 pm JaneRadriges Says:

    Hi, gr8 post thanks for posting. Information is useful!

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