Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

Oops, I Have Been AWOL For A Month!


What happens to the year between Halloween and New years? It just all seems to slide together somehow. My to do list gets longer (I found a great free online place to keep one, by the way. Check out, particularly if you are visual and right brained…so easy to move things, check them off, add new and add ‘somedays’ that are not scheduled yet).
I seem to get lost in some kind of holiday fog that follows me wherever I go. Focusing is more difficult than ever. I go to the garage for the laundry and get lost in Christmas decoration thinking, go in the house with a box of ornaments and only remember in the morning I forgot to bring in the towels!

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One Comment to

“Oops, I Have Been AWOL For A Month!”

  1. Avatar December 17th, 2009 at 2:10 pm Sherri Says:

    I know just what you mean. I can’t figure out where all the time went and I haven’t even got my decorations up. Thanks for writing this. Now I know it’s not just me…lol. Happy Holidays, Joan.

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