Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

Romancing The Stone?


Forget about that! I just spent four days fighting the pain of what I didn’t know was a kidney stone. Ouch! The last time I went to the hospital in that much pain I came home with a 10lb son!

The emergency room was no different than I remembered it, fast tracked into a room for a five hr wait to see a doctor and get on some pain IV….I nearly fainted in the meantime, but at least I finally has some respite and I had a CAT scan that told me it was not an alien inside me eating my guts, because that is what it felt like!

OK, this has nothing to do with real estate.But you’ve got to admit, sometimes romance involves a great deal of pain before it passes through your life.

And please, especially if you live in Florida, drink 3 quarts (yes QUARTS!) of water a day to try and avoid these little monsters. I can tell you, you will never appreciate a lack of pain as much as you do after the darn thing has passed out of your body! Water, now….I mean it!

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One Comment to

“Romancing The Stone?”

  1. Avatar June 26th, 2010 at 2:28 pm Sherri Says:

    I’m so glad you are alright. Yep, getting on that water thing! Thanks for the reminder.

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