God Honors Baby Steps
I am thrilled and continually amazed at how God is always working in our lives, behind the scenes, making plans for us when we are ready to turn situations over to him. It is like seeing a row of lined up dominoes start falling. Because someone took the time to line them up, it only takes a mere nudge to the first one to begin a long line of reactionary moves right behind it.
Yesterday I saw about four major things change in my life. Seemingly minor things, from the standpoint of actions, but major in terms of life and spirit. It took a thought change and a focus toward being entirely willing to put my circumstances and my future totally in the hands of the One who has never abandoned me. When I was able to do that, He began (again) to move heaven and earth on my behalf.
My worries never get me anywhere but stuck. While I am fretting and trying to control my destiny, God just keeps working backstage, setting up the dominoes. He knows I will eventually get to the end of my strength and surrender to His, and that is the nudge He is waiting for….the dominoes begin falling, and I just sit back in wonder at the good He can accomplish in my life so quickly.
As a child I remember saying “I give up” when I was seemingly losing in play with friends or siblings. Those are good words to remember when I feel like I am losing a battle in my feelings or thoughts. I give up….you take it from here Lord. I know He will, and it will come out far better than I could ever have imagined.