Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

Ever So Slightly Off Key


I sing in the key of G. I didn’t know this until I was in my late 40’s.

My Dad was an amazing singer/piano player. He taught himself to play by ear. He never learned to read music. He accompanied himself, found lots of warm and wonderful songs in the key of C, and musical friends who either played, sang, or just enjoyed listening in the key of C.

As I listen now to the radio station playing the songs he sang and loved, I realize I know all the words and music to over a hundred songs by heart. I can’t read music either. I learned them by listening to a father I adored. I was fairly musical as a kid, singing alto in my schools A Capella choir, and being the lead singer in a guitar folk band of three. I loved finding unique harmonies to complement the melodies. It seems I sang by ear also. I sang with my father only when he invited me to, often in front of his friends at parties given frequently at our home. I was only asked to sing Scotch and Soda; a funny choice I often thought for a preteen daughter, but I guess its notes were neither to high nor too low for my range so I didn’t disappoint him and upon finishing I was always greeted with a round of applause,  after which I went back to serving horsd’oeuvres.

I later had a son, who not only bore his name, but seemed to inherit his genius for music. I thanked God that I had been a ‘carrier’ of the music gene. When he was in his teens, my son asked me to accompany him on a CD of songs he was making for a fiftieth anniversary gift for his grandparents. I said I would without hesitation, because I trusted my son would not put me, or himself, at risk.

He transcribed some songs for me that I knew by heart but couldn’t sing without stretching my voice. He said merely “Here Mom, you’ll be more comfortable in the key of G”. It was a slight modification, and one that seemed easy for him, but it was a revelation for me. The notes flowed easily and I never feared that my voice would crack somewhere, embarrassing me or anyone else who was listening.

In the key of G, I am a singer. But please don’t ask me to sing in the key of C. There is such a difference in trying with all your heart, but just missing the mark, and easily and competently using a God-given talent. One slight correction and you can have a completely different outcome; for a song, for a life. How much I value those who can hear the solution and offer a simpler, easier path. They are teachers, coaches, parents, children, and  open-hearted people  everywhere. Keep your ears open, you might just hear that note for someone. Imagine the harmony in a world where everyone could sing the notes they were born to sing.

posted under Family, Relationships
2 Comments to

“Ever So Slightly Off Key”

  1. Avatar December 28th, 2010 at 9:07 am Sherri Robinson Says:

    I love this and can relate so well. I grew up in a musical family also with a dad who encouraged music and creativity. He taught himself and all of my sisters to sing and play several instruments and how to blend all our different talents together to make a beautiful sound together. Now in his aging years is teaching himself and others to play the piano. He is my inspiration. I do miss those days of traveling and singing for a living. Now fear often stops me from singing in front of others. Maybe because its because I don’t know what key I need to sing in? I was just thinking when we fear or get lost in life maybe its because we are on the wrong key.

  2. Avatar December 28th, 2010 at 9:23 am Joan Says:

    Sometimes I think other people’s ears may be out of tune! We help each other find the way by hearing one another, even when the sound doesn’t seem to be exactly the one we know. We listen to hear if there may be a new song that we can learn and sing together. Your Dad is an inspiration because he is still finding new music and sharing it, and how wonderful for both of you that you are still really listening and hearing that new song.

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