Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

I Can Do Anything Good!


This morning I woke early to start on the completion of my one New Year’s resolution…to log in a budget and get my financial info online so I can see it and use it (no more missed bills?). So that next year, doing my taxes will be easier, and instead of spending three days (as I just completed during the Lost Week…yeah for me!) as I just did, or dragging it into April or even July as is most often the case for me, I will just pull up the figures from one spot! That will give me three extra days, and untold anxiety-free hours I wasted procrastinating, to put toward something new and different in my life!

There is a video I go back and watch when I need a little extra fuel to get something done (filing, cleaning the refrigerator, etc.) that my niece put on her face-book page. I am trying to get it here as my first venture into adding videos to my blog (another unfulfilled resolution last year). If it is here, I have succeeded. Thanks to my son sending me a course in word-press email, that I just subscribed to this morning ( I won’t tell you how many months ago that email is dated!). I just watched the one on adding videos…so easy, I can’t believe how long I feared it and let it sit unwatched in my inbox.

Jessica has more raw energy than I can get from anyone my own age. When I watch her, I remember being a kid and I rewrite my history with Jessica’s theme. Instead of beating myself up remembering failures, I just absorb her attitude and go out to greet the world today. Who knows how much time I can make up for with that positive courage!  Lookout world, here I come!

it took several tries, but I did it before the day was over, Yeah for me (and thanks, Jessica)! Happy New Year! Be sure to cut it off after jessica…I think it links endlessly to who knows what…that wasn’t in the video cues I got, how to stop it!

posted under Community, Family
3 Comments to

“I Can Do Anything Good!”

  1. Avatar January 1st, 2011 at 1:49 pm Sherri Robinson Says:

    Can we also log onto your niece’s facebook page to listen to her video too?

  2. Avatar January 3rd, 2011 at 9:26 pm Jill Fowler Dragiff Says:

    It might be easier to get through the you tube link?: Cut and paste this into your web browser.

  3. Avatar January 3rd, 2011 at 9:26 pm Jill Fowler Dragiff Says:

    Joanie, Jessica loves her hair! This could have been your wonderful locks, too!

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