A Privileged Life!
I am in the midst of a wonderful Bible Study right now about Jonah, a Life Interrupted, by Patricia Shirer. Needlestosay, it is off at a gallop, as all the Bible studies seem to be for me in the past year!
The last time we met, however, the video we watched was talking about the wonderful condition of having our lives determined by God, rather than by our own determination. She referred to that life as a “privileged” life. That really caught me. I have struggled with growing up in what would have been deemed by many as a privileged family, having the benefit of private school education, country clubs and nice homes.
One of my biggest trials has been the seeming difference between that beginning and the life in which I raised my sons, which bore little resemblance to my own beginnings. It seemed as though I had failed, whenever I was confronted by the present situations of other siblings or of friends whom I had known growing up. My life seemed to come up short on the material side of things, having moved often and pretty much lost most of what would have been evidence of what I had even procured over the years.
I often felt as though I didn’t have much to say, regarding the importance of savings, retirement funds and a plan for my future. On the other hand, I seemed much more optimistic and even excited about a future that was way less clear than theirs appeared to be. Today that word really struck a chord that left me knowing why I didn’t feel shaken or upset or like the failure the world might think that I am. I feel privileged.
Privileged to have spent the last 27 years hearing God. privileged to have been willing and able to reverse or change the course of my life totally, when God directed me to do that. Privileged to have enough money to survive, but not so much that I was ever willing to give it more importance than God’s perfect plan for me.
Yes, that word held a lot of comfort for me. It felt exactly like the place I feel I occupy in this world. I have an enviable life, only because I totally trust God for my present and my future. I trust that He will redirect me as often as He sees fit, as He has always done and will continue to do as long as I continue to seek and welcome His direction. He will accompany me into the places that are hard for me to go, but we will both be the better for it.
It is a nice place to be, this privileged place, with little to give up and everything to give, as well as receive.
Great commentary and application of your study and I am excited for both you and the ladies you are studying with!