Round Peg, Square Hole!
In a recent phone conversation with a good friend, I realized that many of us are made with an interior radar system that defies the obvious. There is that innate gut feeling that tells you something is wrong, someone isn’t telling you the whole truth, things aren’t adding up.
I am amazed how many people will buy the stories, look the other way, fail to investigate or connect the dots. Just too time consuming, I guess. The end result of this lack of time spent often results in a destruction of the very principles they believe they are promoting, the character traits they are proselytizing.
Isn’t this exactly what many people are teaching their children and their employees, by example? I question some of the small repetitive things that I am asked to do at my job, because the end result seems to be the opposite of the ultimate stated goal. I prefer creative, specific, honest attempts to bring in the traffic that will actually fulfill that goal instead of create numbers that don’t necessarily compute. Each situation is very different, one size does not fit all.
We seem to have ceased looking for solutions that are case specific but rather give us vague generalities to solve our problems. I come from a lifetime background of finding specific solutions, and am continually noticing how most people overlook the specific in favor of the general. Most of the people, most of the time, is their motto, I must assume. I see it as hardly any of the people, hardly any of the time, feeling they have their best solution at heart.
I believe the time is coming, or has now come, where people will rise up in resistance to the one size fits all kind of marketing and thinking. I think it will be very interesting to see this happen, and watch the confusion of those who thought they had it all figured out!