Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy
Browsing Selling a Home

Good Tired/Bad Tired!


There’s a difference. Today I started the day earlier than usual and was on the go all day, but I was working (on my day off) at what I loved. It didn’t feel like work, it felt like fun. And I am tired, but from exhilaration, not weariness.

I was able to help one single mom at 8am, after working a 12 hr shift at her job at a prison, get the key to move into the home she closed on a week ago; through no fault of her own or the seller’s (it was the fault of the  banks), the closing was deemed not to have taken place and has to be completely done over two weeks later.

I know that most of you realize it is difficult enough getting through the closing once, but having to do it all over….unimaginable! The testimony to God’s provision has been evidenced throughout this sale, but most by the way the four women involved handled it as it all went south. We all prayed about it and a solution was arrived at. When everyone has someone else’s best interests at heart it is easy to reach a compromise.

I was also able to have the day off today, after announcing yesterday to my manager that I am going to be going back to real estate full time soon, so I was able to meet with a wonderful couple who need to find a home this weekend. From what we saw today, I am sure God has one with their name on it!

This is why I love what I do. I am just a vessel for God to connect the dots. I know it and I am thrilled continually by that. Today is the first day in two months that I have been really good tired! I will take that any day of the week over the other, no matter how dependable the paycheck!

It Might Not Be Your Move!


Today I was speaking with a lady in another state who is moving here as soon as her home sells. She is understandably frustrated, as she prays for a buyer so that she can complete her home search here.

We are both believers, and I told her about my frustrations with my job and my concern that I needed a partner to help me finish the business God has for me. I have felt so sad lately that I couldn’t do what I knew to do, and I didn’t know why.

It occurred to me as we spoke to pray with her, but not our usual prayer. God put on my heart to pray with her for the family that is coming to buy her home. I have always seen and experienced in real estate that God knew in advance all the parties to the transaction. It was His timing to have everyone in the right place at the right time. I think that is why I have always been so passionate and excited about real estate.

So we prayed for the family to be released from the circumstances that are keeping them from coming to her town and her house. I later went to lunch with my broker and we realized at the end of our conversation that my not being able to leave my job yet may have everything to do with her not taking the next step God has for her future and the things He has for her to do.

Wow! When we really can take our eyes off our own circumstances to see what they might look like from God’s perspective, the view can be entirely different! I will let you know the outcome, but the sadness has already left me, as I think the next step has something to do with a bigger plan and all the pieces of the puzzle are not on the table yet!