I know there is a book with a name that closely resembles this, but I more often think of myself on a path rather than a road. I guess perhaps if I thought of it as a road, I would also be afraid of being run over because I see myself walking, not driving. I also feel the elements surrounding me: sunshine, humidity, rain on occasion. It is all a part of the taste, smell and feel of my everyday life.
I tried explaining this to my Mom today in our morning coffee klatch by phone. To her credit, I think she got it. My life is rich with human connection and life-changing outlooks on our everyday experience. That is a bit hard to fathom if you leave the spiritual dimension out of it. Sometimes, in order to feel like I fit in better with family or friends I do, indeed, try to leave the spiritual dimension of my life in a closet. When I do, however, I feel somehow like a coward, and also like a liar.
I am leaving out my enormous wealth and by doing so, I appear poverty stricken. This is actually as far from the truth as it could be. When connected to a person who is connected to the same source I am, I feel immediately safe to divulge my true identity and let that relationship out of the closet. It occurs to me that this may be the reason I have such empathy and compassion for gay and lesbian couples. I never understood why before, as I am not bent in that direction personally. I have always felt the need to protect and serve their best interests in finding a safe home, however, and I have great respect and admiration for their lives and their unique struggles.
It occurs to me now, that I have been reluctant to always be “honest” about my relationship with God…unless I felt I was at home with another of like mind. It never seemed like I was keeping my significant other in the closet, but I was. As I used to tell my sons, leaving something out of the story means the same as lying about it. It is not the whole truth.
Truth cannot be selective. Sometimes we think we are keeping from hurting another’s feelings by leaving something out, but how much harder it is to tell the whole truth later. Especially when that person has made choices depending on our half-truth. I guess I am just saying, to myself and anyone else who needs to hear it as well, get honest, get real and get out of the closet (whatever your closet may be). You can’t accomplish as much for the good of the world you live in until you are out of there!