Hello Out There!
I was just talking to my Mom, and found out indirectly that my cousin keeps track of me by my blog. There probably is a way that I would know if someone besides me is reading this thing, but I don’t know what it is. Over a year ago my son suggested I start practicing by writing in a blog as frequently as I could, because he thought I would be a natural. I have many other friends who over the years have encouraged me to write a book or two. While I do think I will get to that eventually, you can tell by my lack of discipline in writing every day (sometimes it’s weeks, or more), that I have a long way to go.
I never stop to consider that someone may be reading it although every once in awhile, especially concerning the short sale mess, I would get a wonderful note from a reader for whom it seemed to make a difference to know they were not alone in their experience. I even had one from a therapist who recognized, as I did, the need for support in dealing with the emotional ramifications of losing one’s home.
Mostly for me, it is a way to keep track of various thoughts and happenings that someday may flesh out a book, or serve as my notes to myself of my life in and around real estate. I have found, as one friend recently told me, ” Joan, I think you could leave real estate, but real estate will never leave you!” And that is because, as I look back over almost twenty years, it has been all about helping people where they live, with an important foundational block of their life, their home.
Yesterday, I put the finishing touches on the mission statement for the non-profit I have been nurturing for thirteen years. I have laid it on the back burner many times, most recently for about two years. I always recognized that this was something God put on my heart as I was living through it, and that if it was to grow it would be in His timing, not mine. Lately people have come forward saying they felt they were supposed to fund-raise for it, speak about it, get local attention for it….so I have pulled out the corporate documents, reconvened the Board of Directors, and begun to file for 501 C-3 recognition so it can move forward. More about that soon….
By the way, if you’re out there, Hi Cuz!